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April 16, 2010

im rilly sorry

ok im rilly sorry, i didnt get how to post all my sets at the bottom of the page. there was this gadget where you can copy the link on polyvore and then add it to add your own gadget on your blog, but it kept saying characters are illegal. wut the heck, rilly! if anybody ever did this to their blog puhhhlezze help me! i will give you my polyvore account and you pm me, but please no flagging copieing, blocking, hating or mean pm and that kinda stuff. thanks so much peeps!
my user name is FunLaughterPeace and a smiley at the end. ummmm to find me faster type in
celebs stars, bands in the search box in the right upper corner. that is my group, press the down arrow next to the search box and select groups and then search. there will be a black peace sing and some stars! thanks you!!!
p.s. or you can just look up FunLaughterPeace in the members search box!!!

sorry i didnt post in awhile-yellow and green set

i didnt post in a looong time! i dont really have time, too much hw, friends, clubs and more. here is the deal; i have been getting pretty good at making polyvore outfits, so i will post all my sets on here. if i forget to post for 2 weeks (not in a row) i will tell you my username too. thanks for understanding! ok so this week we have a yellow and green outfit. this is a kinda crazy style, kinda looks like a lemon or bananas or something. i love the quote on the side and the open sing! its like a set is open for buisness =D! i also kinda like the earings, but i wouldnt wear them to school, they look kinda annoying! well you ask how could you post all of your outfits (this is not on of mine) i wont put them as posts, there will be a gadget at the bottom of this page ok? glad u understand!
hugs and kisses

April 9, 2010

Sorry i dont post alot -go green set

I didnt post in a while. spring break is over, and i have alot of homework, so i dont have alot of time. i still love doing this and i wont stop anytime soon, but still dont worry if there is a 3 day break between the posts. i still love to do this!!!! ok today we have a earth day, go green, reduce reuse recycle, plant a tree, recycling set. there are green shorts, a go green sweatshirt, a green cami, go green and that stuff written in diffrent fonts, a bag, a light bulb and a few more things. there is not much to say, cuz it mosly saz go green all over it. i think the shorts and the sweatshirt and rilly cute, although i do like the cami too. the bag looks like its one of those bags that you buy at the checkout counter of like acme or something. my favorite one of the words is the little green post it tht saz go green and a peace sing. its so simple but soooo cute. yesterday some people came and showed our grade how to save the earth and stuff. it was kinda boring but at least i got to miss math...

April 5, 2010

i havent posted in a while - pink polo outfit

i really havent posted in a long while. maybe the sun and summer is getting in my way! well spring break is over and i have a really bad cough. sad sad.... but oh well here is my outfit for today! i call it pink polo, but its also dark navy blue and white. idk y i said polo, probably because there are three polo shirts, but lets go on anyway. there is one long sleeve and two short sleeve polo shirts from abercrombie and hollister. both nice brands, i dont love them though. i like american eagle, american vintage and kinda justice more. well there are also white flats, a cell phone, starbucks, jeans, deoderant, a purse with a bow on it and more stuff. i never wear flats, i ususally wear sneakers, flip flops or uggs. although i do have these shoes that are kinda flats from rocket dog. you no how it saz and the 7th thing i hate that you do, you make me love you, is that a song, because i never heaqrd of it. or is it just some saying? btw you guys, please comment! this is fun, but it also takes time and i would like for people to read this. ok well thats it for today!
love <3

April 2, 2010

APRIL FOOLS!!!! - neon hippie outfit

did u rilly think i was gonna stop so soon? well no, and yesterday was april 1st sooooo..... APRIL FOOLS!!!! i bet i rilly got ya. well today we have a neon hippie set. its not rilly hippie except for the shades, but it is pretty neon dont u think? i usually wear this kinda stuff to school too, except for the bow and the shades. i like neon things! lets look at it.
a yellow bow, pink pants, diffrent colored weird glasses, nail polish, necklaces, a little jacket and a few other things. i dont like the jacket too much, but its ok. the necklaces i would only wear those to some school party like last day of school. i think they r too much. the nailpolish, i like! i love the color gree becasue its kinda like grass and its somehow just pretty! i dont get wut the green box in the corner is. is it like a purse or sometin? to me it kinda looks like a suitcase made of green tin =D. haha! do u see those air clips next to the nailpolish? i love the colors, but i never wear hair clips. i like bobby pins! well this is a pretty small set... idk wat to say... i mostly like the ones where everything is crowded together. here the items are keeping their space.
thts it for now folks!

April 1, 2010

sorry i just dont have the time to do this anymore- spring juicy corture set

im rilly sorry, but its turining summer and i wanna be outside more. i think im gonna have to stop doing this... i always have people hog the computer, or i am outside, with friends, shopping or other things. well i still did my last outfit. I love how its in a circle. i did this because its kinda summerish and summer is the reason y i stop posting. lets take a peek! a pretty green dress, alot of accersories, 2 girls and bubbles, flowers, makeup and a few other things. it says juicy and juicy corture a couple of times. i dont rilly wear juicy, actually i dont at all, but oh well, i still like this. well, i guess its goodbye now!
ok well i love u guys! xoxoxo