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March 31, 2010

green winter set

I dont even know the song that has the words "casue baby ur my disease" in it. Since spring just started, i thought some winter memeories would be nice. Also i like this outfit, but if i wait and then post it in summer, that would be weirder than posting it in spring, so here we are. I love the color green, and i love snow, so i like this outfit. also i thik its nice if you look at this picture in the winter you can be like its so nice to see some green in a while, not just white. ok lets take a look, there is a nice dress with a tan belt, a golden ipod, lite tan uggs, flowers (in winter? very creative!), a shirtless guy, a jacket, snow and more. there are some tank tops in the background too. and a starbucks cup! i loooove hot coco in the winter. yum! with marshmellows and whipped cream. but never mind tat. wow a i pod shuffle? i have a nano, but its not golden! i loooove music! i like sining and dancing and listening to it and everything! dont you? i just noticed something! the tag on the dress says abercrombie and fitch! i dont really wear abercrombie and fitch alot, but i still noticed it! i rock!!! ok well thats it folk!

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