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March 31, 2010

Mario and Luigi outfit

Ok well this is a mario and luigi outfit. I think its pretty cute. Again i did NOT make it! I tried to make a few more sets on polyvore. I made a wedding one and a bad girl one. they were bothe rilly bad, but it was still pretty fun! Ok back to mario and luigi. I love playing mario kart, its really fun, so i thought i would put this on here. Lets see...
A mario (cartoon), a luigi (cartoon), 2 question mark boxes, a star, a flower power, 2 caps, 2 shirts, 2 denmin dresses, socks, and shoes. now aint that cute? they are both like matchy matchy! I do not like luigis hat. I am more of a peace than kill person. I like marios hat though. wow well, there is not much to say, its alittle small, but rilly creative. Well also i like the little red shirt under the denmin dress, from mario. if i had to wear one of those i think id choose mario, even though i love the color green and hate the color red. oh well, like i said there is not so much to say. and you know how i said i got the hang of polyvore? well i didnt really... sorry..... thts it for now!

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