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March 29, 2010

hey guys!

This is my new blog! No one was reading my old one and it got rilly boring, so I made this one. I will not take pics of myself and put them here as a outfit, I will find diffrent outfits over the internet. My tatse in clothes in colorful, but casual. I also like bracelets, like alot. so well, have fun and enjoy this blog. and please dont just look on here once and forget it, add to favorites, see how i update and change it around. That was the problem with my other blog. only like one person looked on it once. It was about music, was called I put down lyrics and videos, but well thts not the point.

Enjoy! =D

1 comment:

selgomez said...

omg i love all the outfits. how did you do that? and the selena gomez outfit is the best!