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March 29, 2010

I found out how to use Polyvore!-Lady gaga outfit

Its actually pretty simple if you get used to it! now i rilly recommend it! its also really fun making outfits. I just made a lady gaga one, it is pretty ugly, but i still want to put it on here just for the sake of poor old gaga. Lets see... I have no clue how to put it on here... sigh... I will just put on some other lady gaga outfit i found. it is not mine though! This is the best one i found, except for the fact that it has bra and underwear in it. oh well, if it bothers you just look away! Ok lets see what we got here.
A lady gaga, alot of jewlery, black heels, braclets, black pants, underwear, just dance lyrics, and other junk in black and white. Well, whatdaya think? comment please!!! wait! one more thing! i love doing this, its way more fun than posting links to lyrics although i love music! thanks guys!

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