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March 30, 2010

sorry i didnt post anything yesterday -neon outfit

I didn't post alot yesterday. I was gonna do like 5 posts cuz as u no i love doing this, but my bro and dad were hogging the computers and i didnt have time. sryyy! It was raining all day yesterday, and i couldnt get out of the house! also i was kinda sick, so i chose this outfit because it was rilly colorful and it kinda cheers me up so lets take a look. A dinasour shirt, a rainbow skirt, makeup, black hi tops, braclets earings and some other things. Pretty cheerful huh? Also there is a ipod (YAY) and a cell phone (OMG WANT ONE). Istnt this awesome! I love colorful things. I didnt get to go on Polyvore today, but yesterday i finally really got it down! its pretty easy if you get to know it! Now i know how to insert writinga and backgrounds! Yesterday i did a country one. it had like cowboy boots and horeshoes. It wasnt that good yet, but im getting better. I stil have no clue how to put it on here except for a link. Please comment if you want the link. I didnt use it cause its rilly long, and it just messes up the hole font and stuff. Ok well thts it for now!
see ya later

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